About our ideas: you may not agree with everything we have to say. For that matter you may not agree with ANYTHING we have to say. That's fine. One of the cornerstones of our philosophy is that every man should be free to think for himself and make up his own mind on every issue. Dissent is okay with us. Hell, we'll even go so far as to encourage it. If you think we're way out of line on something, call us on it. We'll hear you out. You may even change our minds. Or maybe we'll change yours. That's what this blog is all about: a community of men helping each other to be better people. Sometimes that means serious discussion of major philosophical issues. Other times it may mean somethings silly, like "why are farts funny?". But whether serious or silly these are the issues that are important to us, and on some level, to all men.
So that's our first rant. Hopefully it's the first of many. Thanks for reading.
Congratulations on your new blog! I think it will be important for women to read this, too: gives us an insight into Life Inside The Male Brain. It's funny; I think women want men to be Guys but to communicate like Women. You guys are kind of stuck, I don't envy you. (-; Differences exist and that's wonderful! Things fall apart when we 1) don't acknowledge that there are differences, and 2) we stop respecting those differences. Good luck, looking forward to lurking.