I have been craving a motorcycle for a long time. Fat boy like the one
arnold schvanzisbigger drove in a terminator movie. Black
prolly. The way he got this bike is he beat up some guys and stole it, but that is not my way. I actually have a piggy bank. It's a huge macho adult piggy bank with mostly quarters. A big jug from a water cooler. Hey I stole it so maybe I am kind of
badass. Well, it was empty and labeled as leaky so they would have thrown it out anyway. But I did NOT ask
anybody's permission dammit! So I am gonna sell off some audio cruft and put the proceeds in the piggy bank. Also gonna sell: an old antique typewriter, black metal. An old movie projector, metal and black. A microscope in blue chrome! No
ok, it is black metal too.
Hmm. Black metal that is not serving me traded in for really fun black metal.
So what does this mean? Each of the collectible things in my home had once been very important to somebody. Now they have only cash value for me. The people who bought them and used them with enthusiasm are gone.
Someday maybe my fatboy will be cluttering up somebody's garage. It could someday be worth more as cash than as stylish transportation. Circle of life or something.